Bharat's first integrated community for startups and investors

Bharat Startup and Innovation Society (BSIS) is a national apex organization with offices strategically located across key Indian states. Operating as a non-governmental and not-for-profit entity, BSIS employs an industry-led and industry-managed approach, making it a dynamic force in India's burgeoning startup landscape.

As the collective voice for the nation's vibrant startup ecosystem, BSIS bridges startups, investors, mentors, incubators, civil society, and policymakers. Through effective communication and collaboration, BSIS catalyzes policy discussions, shapes regulations, and fosters an environment conducive to entrepreneurial innovation.

With a dual mandate to influence policies and stimulate constructive discourse, BSIS engages with stakeholders to champion startups' interests and ensure regulatory alignment with evolving needs. Committed to driving India's startup revolution, BSIS stands as a pivotal force, fostering collaboration and growth with the collective efforts of industry leaders, policymakers, and the startup community.

The BSIS Way

Catalysing innovation for Bharat’s startup ecosystem


Facilitating unity within and across sectors, BSIS provides a dynamic platform for networking and consensus-building. With a focus on bringing together diverse stakeholders, we foster collaboration and knowledge exchange, thereby propelling innovation and growth.

Startup Nexus

BSIS is distinctively the primary interface between Indian industry, policymakers, and the international startup ecosystem. Its authoritative insights, comprehensive resources, and industry expertise make it the go-to source for informed decision-making, strategic collaboration, and sustainable development.


BSIS's overarching objective is to cultivate and maintain an environment that nurtures India's progress. Through strategic partnerships with industry, government bodies, and civil society, the organisation employs advisory and consulting initiatives to drive innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic advancement.

The BSIS Way

A multifaceted approach by BSIS

Advisory Services to Business

BSIS offers expert guidance, strategic insights, and tailored advice, empowering businesses to navigate challenges and make informed decisions for sustained success.

Capacity Building

Through comprehensive programs and resources, BSIS facilitates skill development and knowledge enhancement, empowering individuals and organisations to thrive in the dynamic startup landscape.

Expanding Bharat Startup Ecosystem

BSIS actively works to broaden the horizons of the Indian startup ecosystem, fostering inclusivity, collaboration, and opportunities for startups to flourish both domestically and globally.

Providing Networking Opportunities

BSIS provides a vibrant platform for networking, connecting startups with industry leaders, policymakers, and international players, fostering collaborations that drive innovation and business growth.

Social Responsibility

Committed to societal impact, BSIS encourages startups to integrate social responsibility into their business models, creating a positive influence and contributing to the community and the nation.

Experienced Leadership

Guided by seasoned leaders, BSIS benefits from experienced and visionary leadership, steering initiatives with strategic acumen, and driving the organisation towards sustainable growth and impactful outcomes.